Erick is a first generation Mexican-American film director, creative producer, writer, and photographer, born and based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

He’s driven by stories about individual identity, psychological struggles, class systems, and culture. His aim is to craft stories that encapsulate the honesty of the human experience by means of sharing individual struggles, the hope that comes in triumph and communal healing, and the understanding of the grey areas that exist within our understanding and judgement of the world, and people.

Erick currently works independently and with a variety production companies such as Bond Studio, and typically engages in commercial and branded documentary work.

He also specializes in creative direction work for brands connecting their brand image with creative production work; honing research, writing stories encapsulating their identities, building crews, and executing production with strategic goals and people’s hearts in mind.


** Available for projects worldwide. Work for hire includes: directing, creative producing, creative direction (copywriting and strategy for film/photography projects), and photography (commercial, documentary, and weddings). **